Monday, December 27, 2021

Two In a Row


I worked hard to get my house ready for the festivities on Christmas. I cleaned. (I emptied out the silverware drawer, washed everything in it, cleaned the inside, and then put everything back.)

I decorated. I cooked. I even made a Tourtière

This is a big deal because even though I grew up eating toutiere every Christmas and New Year's I haven't eaten one in over forty years and I've never cooked one before. It's really easy (you know, "in theory"). Mix leftover stuffing from Thanksgiving (which in my French-Canadian, Quebecois family is a mixture of ground pork, beef and veal with a bit of onion, celery, some dried bread, Bell's Seasoning and chicken broth... but I liked it when my mom added walnuts and chopped apple) with some leftover mashed potatoes and put it in a pie crust (top and bottom) and bake till done. Eat hot. It's probably an artery clogger of epic proportions, but it's as homey comfort food gets. I don't even know why I thought of it, but it's not the kind of thing you make in a single serving.

 (It was absolutely flat-out spectacular, by the way.)

So what I was NOT ready for when I woke up on Christmas morning was temperatures just below freezing, and rain. Freezing rain is the worst. Not to look at or to weather, but driving in it is near impossible, When it is freezing rain, Gravity Rules. You can go, but you cannot stop. Or rather, you WILL stop (eventually) but it won't be pleasant. 

You can drive in snow, and if you are prepared, and you are careful, the odds of your getting from point A to point B safely are in your favor.

Not so with freezing rain. If the road is cold, and the rain hits it, the road freezes. Driving on it is a crap shoot. Gravity is a Hard Thing. I live on a steep hill. Do I want to get into my car only to slide down the hill into the house at the bottom of the street? I do not.

By 9 AM in the morning the news was full of accidents (one 12 car pileup about 10 miles away from me closed a major highway for several hours), and by midday several highways and roads were closed. With temperatures staying below freezing all day, and the rain forecast to fall all day, it was abundantly clear that Christmas this year would be a solitary thing.


I had a lovely FaceTime visit with my son and his family (he loves fountain pens and I gave him a box to put his in) and I talked to several of my friends and every member of my family.

Before I went to bed, I even soaked in the tub. (Sorry, no action photos).

Good thing Millie kept me company.


Nancy J said...

Millie and yourself , at home, safe, and with Facetime or other online link ups, it isn't the same, but the best we can do when roads are so treacherous. We once did a skid on a hill, going down to work, luckily nothing coming to meet us, ended up facing the other way on the grassy edge of a steep bank. Now, I am so thankful we are in a slightly warmer area, and do not have to rush out the door at 7.30 every morning.

Juliana said...

Best to be safe. Having Millie and delicious food and electronic visits with family and friends is an almost perfect day.

Just Ducky said...

Oh noes! I hope your family could come the next day? Maybe. I also spied Miss Millie napping on the sofa pillow in the second pic.

Stay safe driving, we finally have our first inch of snow. Mum will need to push the snow off the driveway.

Mari said...

Oh, Lynne, I'm sorry your holiday plans got canceled. Safe and warm is better than anything, though. What would we do without electronics in times like these? I hope you get to see everyone later this week, and that everyone stays nice and safe. Best wishes for the new year!

Dee W said...

I had a Christmas with the locals on the day, we did munchies and then everyone went off to other places. Tomorrow is to be the drive to my other Christmas, but the weather is looking to be snowy and rainy. I'm off in the morning early, hoping to be it as I go south. But I have stayed home and was safe, but it's not a fun day. Glad you stayed safe. Love to Millie.

Cherie Moore said...

Thank goodness for FaceTime/Zoom and for Millie. My heart goes out to you for a solitary Christmas….again! Hugs and purrs to you both.

Chookyblue...... said...

I read on a zoom chat with some international girls yesterday and they were talking about that dish .......
Goodluck with the icey roads.....I hope they are improving.....

Poppy Q said...

Nothing wrong with staying warm and cozy at home Lynne. Sorry that you didn't get to spend Christmas with your family.