Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Sisterhood of the Squats


I always say "The World is a funny place." This bird was made by Margaret, who took a  bird class with my pal Julie a couple of years ago. Margaret is a member of a group of ladies who call their exercise group The Sisterhood of the Squats, because at each meeting they do 100 squats. (I am already impressed.)

Margaret has been making memory quilts for members of her group who have lost a loved one. In each one she includes one of my birds that she has customized. They are all squatting. "I couldn't figure out how to make the legs squat," she wrote, "so I applique'd them." 

The photo above is a Cardinal, squatting. You can see that Margaret has made other changes, the crest, the beak and the long tail, to say nothing of the extended wings out front of the body.

I told Margaret how I would make the squatting legs, and now she's got me curious. I may try to make my own squatting bird later, because dang! There's nothing like a challenge. I also asked her to send me a squatting bird for my student bird quilt. I'm still taking donations. Email me if you would like to participate. I can be reached at PatcheryMenagerie AT Gmail DOT com.

If you would like to make a bird (doesn't have to be squatting) you can get my tutorial here, at my Etsy shop. It's an instant download, so you can get started right away.

And fair warning, after five years of being the same price, $10 USD, the price for my tutorials will increase at the turn of the new year.


Helen Howes said...

My bird was squatting. I made the leg section in two parts and fudged it together...

Quiltdivajulie said...

Hooray, Margaret! So happy you loved the birds from class enough to keep making more. And how awesome to share with Lynne!!

QuiltGranma said...

Great job, Margaret!