Monday, August 23, 2021

Triangling Around


I rotated all the pieces and made these W shapes. This is a bit too regular for me. So I decided to break up some of those shapes.

Here I have moved a few blocks around,

This is getting somewhere, but if I pursue this I am going to be careful. Using all this bright color can look like a mess and sloppy. I have to make more blocks and play around to really see where I want to take this.

Here the shapes are mixed up more, and the colors are also mixed up. This doesn't have to vitality of the top photo, where the shapes were consistent and regular and the colors were arranged to take advantage of the light/dark contrast. Here you don't know where to look - your eye isn't drawn to anything in particular.

So not only do I have to make more blocks, I also have to figure out where I want it to go and what I want it to do. Usually those problems are resolved by just working, even if there is no "end game" in sight, and that's what I have to do. I've had a lot of distractions lately - who among us hasn't - so that's been a bit rough. I'll get there, and there's no guarantee I'll continue to follow this particular path.

I'm still collecting bird blocks. I'd love one of yours! Email me for my mailing address. Here's a block  I made from the scraps that were sitting around on my work table. If you want to make some birds, you can get my tutorial here, at my Etsy shop.


Ann said...

Using all those bright colors is tricky. I like your middle layout better, too, but know you will find a fabulous solution.

QuiltGranma said...

From past reading of your blog I know you will figure out this W quilt to your satisfaction, and ours. Lovely colors!