Monday, February 1, 2021

And Now to Choose the Binding...

The first question to ask when binding a quilt (I believe) is to decide whether a quilt needs room to breathe or whether it needs to be contained. With Larkspur, (the Pink Barn) it's hard to tell which it needs. What I do know is a light binding wouldn't work at all. 


This is the first option, a kind of a greyish green, is kind of blah.

This patterned pink stripe is another option, (but kind of overly fussy.)

This big print won't do either, although that is the print that is on the back of the quilt.

I really like this blue. It isn't the same fabric as the blue trim on the barn, but it's close enough.

Blue it is. Or rather, it will be.


Holy crap, it's February?


Kathy said...

Why not face it? Does it need the frame of the binding?

Peggy said...

I love to see the way your brain works! It helps me refine my own quilt making decisions.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Yes, yes, yes and yes to the blue. (and for those who don't know, Lynne's binding tutorial is awesome - using her method even I can create nearly invisible stitches)

QuiltGranma said...

I, too, like (LIKE) the blue for the binding!