Patience is a virtue, and I want some right now!
I simply HAVE to wait for my beta testers to work through their process and my editors need time to review the tutorial, so I, and everybody else, has to wait.
Preliminary feedback is very good, so I am able to say quite honestly that this will be worth the wait. You all know how much I love to provide good, useful, and easily understandable instructions. The Zebra quilts are not what you would call "simple." They are actually quite complex, as anybody who makes one will discover. However I think you will find it is worth the wait. As you have seen, these quilts have quite an impact.
I am rather embarrassed to say that I am cleaning the studio, and it was never so messy. I had so much fabric on the floor I can't believe it. As you can see from the photo above, the area around the front of my design wall is clear. The design wall is empty also. I have stacked the "leftover" big triangles, and I grouped them according to which triangle they are. Makes my life easier.
(by the way, I am struggling with Blogger's new design format, so if things look funky, that's why. It will become default at the end of June so far I am resisting...)
This was the view looking back toward my cutting table last night. See that pile of fabric along the left? It was as high as my knee. There was all kinds of stuff hiding there. I've been stacking what I can on the cutting table at the end of the studio (and the top of the picture). What I can fold I've been putting back in the stash, but I clearly need another solution because
as you can see, the bookshelf is pretty full.
Phew, I thought I was in a mess, you might find some hidden delights there.
You might need a assistant with a plan ! Or just accept that this is how you create your awesomeness!
So, your next tutorial will be a scrap quilt? Please?
Looks like a treasure hunt now! When I get to that point, I'm always surprised at what I find and often inspired by something I pick up from the pile. Love seeing the whirlwind aftereffects of your creativity!
Well that messy space has a familiar look. I try every once in a while. It never seems to get really clean. As long as I can find enough space to cut and iron I am happy.
A scrap quilt next, yes! excellent idea, use up the bits and leftovers that take up space.
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