Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Oh, Leftovers...

Last night after work, I went into the studio and gathered all my leftover triangle blocks, and after a bit of fussing, had this. It's OK, but nothing to write home about. I sent a photo to my pal Julie who asked if I could turn it sideways.

Neither one of us liked that.

However we both liked it better upside down.

We talked about seeing all the Zebra quilts together (yesterday's post) and I said, you know, it would be interesting to cut the Firebird quilt in half vertically and swap the two halves. You'd get an X in the middle. Then I got an idea.

About ten years ago when I was making Nine x Nine, I took a picture of my colored words, printed it in color and then cut the words apart. I was able to figure out how I wanted to arrange them without getting up and down the ladder sixty million times. I don't have access to a color printer at the moment, but I DO have a printer...

It's amazing what you can do with a picture and a pair of scissors!

Oh, the things you can discover if you use your noodle!

So OF COURSE I had to back into the studio and pull the blocks off the wall and see what this would look like in real life. You know, kinda sorta. Ignore the colors and just look at the shapes.

Now, THIS has potential! Dunno if I am ever going to SEW it, but it will be fun to think about. What's really funny about this layout is it uses the same blocks as in the first photo above.

There's nothing I like better than pushing an idea around and seeing where it goes.


Ruth said...

Did you say these were the Scraps?!?!?
My oh My they are so beautiful!
That last picture is the best!

Quiltdivajulie said...

Leftovers can be magic - we both know that. And playing with them is THE MOST FUN. What a great post to illustrate that part of your process.

Linda Swanekamp said...

Just amazing. So much fun.

Ann said...

It always amazes me how much a quilt can change simply by moving the blocks around. Have fun with this.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Amazing blocks and so interesting how the layout gives a totally different look. I'd love to be able to play with your scraps. Have fun!

Judy P. said...

I have thought about doing this. Now I will definitely give it a try. Thanks for the inspiration.