Thursday, April 30, 2020

The Border Develops

I got home last night (what am I talking about... I NEVER LEFT!) and went into the  studio and selected eight of the creamish fabrics that are in the Tutti Frutti quilt and cut a 1-3/4" strip of each. Then I cut them in random lengths. and sewed them together to make one long strip.

Then I started at one corner, and sewed the strip to the edges of the quilt. When I got to the corner, I cut the strip, turned the quilt, and continued sewing the cream strip to the edge of the quilt, making an inner border.

When finished, this will be 1-1/4" wide. Why that size? I thought it looked about right. You can get an idea of what it will look like in this photo.

At lunchtime yesterday I had spent a little time rearranging the border strips so that the blocks met at the centers of each side. Now the border doesn't look like a marquee of flashing lights blinking around the quilt.

With the inner border now sewn to the quilt, this is kinda sorta what it will look like. I haven't quite worked out how I will handle the corners, except I know they have to be solid and not cream, because otherwise it will look like a hole and the design could "leak" out of it. But I am not quite sure about it, and will work it out when I get there. The only other thing I know is that this quilt will have a cream-ish binding.

Thank you all so much for leaving your thoughts and opinions. MOST of the time, when I ask a question like that on my blog, I know what my choice will be before the blog ever goes live. This time I was pretty sure, but not entirely convinced. I knew I had to center the V's on each side of the quilt, but that meant getting up and down the step stool and I was tired, so I left the picture as it was, even though the border on the top of yesterday's first photo was wrong. I knew that.

I like this quilt a lot. It's bright, cheerful and happy. Something I think we all need.


Kathy said...

Yep--nailed it! Love, love, love this one!

Linda Swanekamp said...

Love, love the bright and cheer. Waiting for my tulips to open and give that effect also.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Love the mix of lights for the inner border. You'll play with those corners until they're "just right"