Sunday, March 29, 2020


I'm making a blue version of the Jealousy quilt and the working title is SAPPHIRE.

These are the two light diamonds in the quilt. These fabrics also make up the large lozenge shape in the center of the quilt.

Here I have started to add the dark diamond in the middle of the quilt.

This is the fabric pair that will fill out the empty spaces in the center of the quilt.

These are the other fabrics I have selected. All these are paired up. I'll figure out where they go as I figure out where they'll go. (LOL)


Quiltdivajulie said...

Beautiful blues . . . have fun designing.

Linda Swanekamp said...

Luscious fabric, looks terrific.

MissPat said...

The blueberries make an interesting addition.