Saturday, February 8, 2020


I've been working on my Zebras Quilts tutorial all morning. I generally start with pictures, because I think in pictures. If my pictures tell the story, I know I'm on the right track. Once I have the pictures arranged, I can add the words to tell the story. So I start with pictures, and all the things I want my readers to know. Then I arrange them in a way that makes sense to me. If I don't have a picture, I go into the studio and take one, like this:

Sometimes kismet happens, like when I set my laptop on the couch so I could go get something. The sun came out, cast a shadow on the pillow, and omigoodness, a Zebra effect!

Judy, I use Powerpoint.


Judy in Michigan said...

Great technique! What program do you use?

Quiltdivajulie said...

Love it when sunlight does things like that.

Lauriejo said...

Well I didn't even notice it was sunlight and shadow when I looked at it! I thought you made a zebra pillow cover to make your zebra quilts.

Ann said...
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Ann said...

A beautiful day to work on a tutorial. With serendipitous sunlight!

Mystic Quilter said...

I'm looking forward to your Zebra tutorial, I downloaded Slashed Squares a week or so ago, thaf's one for my to do ist this year.