Saturday, January 4, 2020

Those Leftover Diamonds & Update

I got home from work last night and put my dinner in the oven and then went into the studio to start putting the leftover diamonds up on the design wall. I had thought of moving from light to dark so I started at the bottom. But that was just same old same old.

So I turned them on their sides. This was more interesting.

One thing I have learned is that you can't really make any decisions until you can see all the blocks at one time. So I put them all up on the wall, willy nilly.

 Then I set up a plumb line and the laser level and arranged the first row. I wanted to move from dark at the bottom, to light at the top, and I wanted to arrange the blocks by value, and not by color.

I worked my way up.

After about an hour of tinkering, this was the almost final version.

I switched four blocks, then put them back, then replaced two more. This is it. I'll have to fill in the triangle spaces on the sides with something (but it won't be a solid. I don't use solids. It will be a blender of some kind).

Here's the cool part. There are 60 unique blocks, and 60 unique fabrics. All were "leftovers." I didn't cut anything. I used what I had.

I'm feeling very virtuous.

Here, btw, is the quilt in black-and-white, in case you want to see how well I managed the values.


Kathy said...

And virtue has it's reward! Maybe a quilt name there...and putting the diamonds on their sides is a great idea.

bobbitba said...

Love, love, love this use of left over fabric and the your transitions from light to dark are perfect!

Evie said...

I love what you did with your leftover diamonds. The fabrics are just beautiful. However, I think I like your next to last layout better than the last. The light fabrics on top seem to pull my eye to them too much. What do you think?

Linda Swanekamp said...

Hard to believe how quickly it came together from all disparate, non-planned blocks. It looks great.

Judy P. said...

Thank you for sharing your "process". I find it very interesting. I tend to not do enough test runs.

Pat said...

I would call that a good haul from leftovers.

Michele in Harrisburg said...

Wow! Look at all those gorgeous fabrics. And so interesting to view them on their sides. It almost appears woven the way it pulls your eye from bottom to top. The b&w is stunning in it's own right. Well done.

Cherie in St Louis said...

While I'm sure it wasn't easy peasy, this sure was a fast one :) It's wonderful and really interesting which the diamonds turned sideways.

Dorothy said...

What a new perspective of the diamonds being put side ways instead of up & down. Love it.

Quiltdivajulie said...

I knew you could do this -- and I really like the diamonds on their sides (a lot). Have fun choosing the side fill fabrics - this one is another stunner.

Pat Gottshalk said...

Very pleasing to the eye. What a great way to use the big prints that sing sweetly in my stash.

carol fun said...

I love your big diamond quilts... you mentioned you used a laser level to mark a plumb line on your design wall... what kind of laser level do you use? I've got gridded flannel on my design wall but I'm not happy with it...not sticky enough... I'm thinking of going back to batting which I've used before but I'd miss have the grid... a laser level could be a solution...thanks for sharing your beautiful quilts and the process you go through with your designs.