Thursday, January 2, 2020

One Hundred Fourteen

These are the leftover giant diamonds from all the diamond quilts I have made. There are 114 of them. There may be duplicates.

I can tell you all have an idea where this is going. Let me tell you how the idea got started.

AS USUAL, it started with a conversation with my best pal, Julie. She had remarked that I should make a quilt of all my leftover zebra blocks. I replied that I hadn't kept any of them from the first one, Parade of Zebras, (the scrappy version.) Why not? I couldn't remember. But I had a ton of big diamonds, I told Julie. So one thing led to another.

THE QUESTION IS... Can I make a quilt (a decent one, not just a bunch of scraps sewn willy-nilly) using ONLY the 114 diamond blocks in the photograph above.

I already know that you guys are thinking, "Well if anybody can do it, Lynne can..." which is a very nice thought, and certainly a challenge, and the answer is, I dunno, we'll have to see.

So after I finish sewing the Firebird quilt top together (I have 3/4 of the top sewn. I didn't sew all day yesterday. I was reading The Children Return, Bruno Chief of Police #7 from Martin Walker and I wanted to finish it.) I am going to spread the diamonds around and see what happens.

Since I don't like to make two quilts that are the same, this ought to be interesting. My Number One Rule will be to use THOSE DIAMONDS and ONLY those diamonds. I am not going to allow myself to cut one piece of fabric.

We'll see how long that lasts.

Yeah, I know. (Rules are made to be broken and all that crap.)


Linda M said...

I can’t wait to see what you do with them!!

Denise said...

Me too!

Linda Swanekamp said...

You are too funny. No quilt police looking, so if you need another fabric, just grab one. No one is getting extra fabric by not using it!

Rebecca said...

Well 2 thoughts...
#1 was already stated... if anyone can Lynne can
#2 one more fabric that reads solid to tie them altogether when you get it figured out...

Mary Bolton said...

love those Chief Bruno books!

suzanne, dutchess county NY said...

What a fabulous star(s) those diamonds would make.
I agree with #1 and #2. #3 No reason you couldn't sub cut the diamonds. Can't wait to see what you do with them

Quiltdivajulie said...

LOLOLOL -- yeah, right to not cutting any additional fabrics. (but no one said you can't piece some of the diamonds together and then re-cut a new one from the slab)