Monday, January 6, 2020


I started sewing the blocks for the scrappy diamond quilt together. Since at least two sides of these blocks are on the bias, when the chunks start getting big, I often leave them on the floor.

This is put together in long diagonal rows.

I wasn't quite sure if I liked this quilt, but it's growing on me. As you can see I used a dark blue batik in the fill in triangles along the sides.

I didn't use fill in triangles at the top or bottom. I like the way this look like it's stacked. I've decided to call this quilt GEODE. Right now it's 63-1/2" x 75".


Quiltdivajulie said...

Absolutely stunning - who said leftovers were boring ?!!!!!

NeverBored said...


Ann said...

The dark edges make the center shine. Geode is a good name for it. It's also interesting to see the diamonds on their sides.

Linda Swanekamp said...

I think the title is grand. I love the darks and how the light sparkles with wonderful slits of color.

Mickey's Musings said...

Love the colours!!!!