Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Firebird in Color

Last night I finished sewing the blocks for the Firebird quilt. I love the bright, graphic, modern quality of this quilt.

I've sewn the bottom right quarter together. I'll sew the rest of it and then I'll choose a border for it.

Here's a closeup of some of the fabrics.

I think this is all the rest. There really aren't that many different fabrics in this quilt.

Happy New Year, everyone!


Elaine M said...

Happy New Year! Very dynamic.

Linda M said...

I love it, Lynne! It’s so beautiful! Happy New Year!

Quiltdivajulie said...


Linda Swanekamp said...

Wow, Lynne, Wow. Just a masterpiece.

Rebecca said...

Hell of a start for the New Year!!!
Just Beautiful!

Kathy said...

Wonderful layout and great use of color. You are a master!

Janet said...

Thank you, Lynne, for sharing your artistic abilities with us! This is another winner!

Ann said...

Such glorious colors. They glow!