Monday, December 30, 2019

In Theory...

Oh yeah! I like this a lot.

Here I am placing blocks where I think they are going to go as I continue working on this design layout.

Yes, this is more of what I want it to look like. Here I've filled in the oranges and the yellow-oranges.

Here, however, is a roadblock. The dark lozenge on the left is supposed to be Red-Orange and the one on the far right is supposed to be Dark Red,  but you really can't tell the difference. This is an example of "In Theory, theory and practice are the same; in Practice, they are different." So this isn't going to work.

Hmm. Time to go shopping.

This red-orange is better, and the gradation works better.

I have to make more blocks - particularly the Dark Red lozenge shapes, and there is an orange up there in the upper left that has to go - it's too similar in value to the red beside it. Essentially this quilt is all designed and now I just have to execute the rest of the plan.

These Zebra quilts are simple looking, but they are not simple. There are four different striiped triangles, and although I know what I am doing, I have cut my share of "the wrong block" more times than I'd care to admit.

By the way, the name FIREBIRD did not come from the car. It came from Stravinsky's orchestral piece.


Quayquilter said...

I'm fascinated by your zebra quilts, the bold scale combined with rich texture.

Becky said...

Loving it. It's interesting how a class with Wanda makes you look at color sew intently. The great thing is being able to diagnose why something isn't working. Excellent work!

starsthatblaze said...

For some reason this coloring reminds me of Georgis O'Keeffe.

Nann said...

Reminds me of a Fresnel lens.

Linda Swanekamp said...

Love the way it is going. Love the theory quote. So true.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Unused blocks become fodder for another project - "seeds" as Wanda calls them. Firebird is looking good.

DebW said...

I do hope you will have a tutorial for these zebra quilts someday. They are stunning!

Linda M said...

So beautiful, Lynne!!

Ann said...

I enjoy watching you work this out and I agree with Nann that it looks like a Fresnel lens.

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

This one is really striking and I LOVE the colors in it. I'm a warm color person.