Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Birds in the Garden

It is high summer and everything in New Hampshire is very green. I like to tell my students to make birds based on the things they see around them. Here are some birds inspired by gardens and things that grow in them.

I planted coneflowers in my garden this year. This is one of them.


 I planted this hosta as a tiny little plant in the spring of 2015. It is "Sum and Substance." I try to tell everybody how big it is...

but nobody gets it until I show them this picture.

I love making birds based on flowers...

If you would like to make your own free-pieced birds, you can get my tutorial here, at my Etsy shop. It's an instant download, so you can get started right away. They're fun, easy to make, and you can use scraps.


Quiltdivajulie said...

That hosta is HUGE!!!

JustGail said...

I love Sum & Substance hosta, yours looks great and very happy. Besides the size, that yellow just brightens up a dark area. I planted some Empress Wu hosta this spring - it's supposed to get quite large, but it doesn't have the color. I know some people hate hostas planted around trees, but they certainly eliminate the trimming once established.