Saturday, June 8, 2019

Revisiting the Butterfly...

In 2008, I devised a way to make a free pieced butterfly that was easy to make and had a lot of possibility for variations.

I published it as a tutorial in late 2012, and over the years I have made a few changes in how I make them.

Here are some butterflies I made for No Rules for Julie.

I figured out how to make some pretty cool butterflies.

This butterfly actually came about because I made a mistake and thought, hmm... what if I...?

Now that I have written several other tutorials, I decided to update the butterfly tutorial and give it the same "look" as the others. The original was portrait orientation, the others are landscape. As I looked through it I realized that some of the photographs could be improved, so the other night I made a few butterflies and took lots of step by step pictures.

Next I worked my way through the tutorial, replacing pictures, rearranging some pages and clarifying the text.

I'm happy with it. You can find it here, on my Etsy shop. Like all my other tutorials it is an instant download so you can get started right away.

NOTE: If you purchased the butterfly tutorial in the past, email me, tell me when you bought the tute and your Etsy name, or some other way I can prove you purchased it, and I will email you the new version for no charge.

1 comment:

Linda Swanekamp said...

I cannot believe the timing. I bought this tutorial in 2017 and just last night I forced myself to make a couple as I needed some butterflies to help me feel better. I had some difficulty getting the wings as open as yours. I will send you an email.