Monday, April 15, 2019

More NO!

I'm having fun working on the new quilt, NO PAPER PIECING.

I made a black butterfly. I'll make a couple more, probably. I have a tutorial for these too, and you can get it on my Etsy shop here. Like all my tutes it is an instant download so you can get started right away.

I've also made a big Q. Instructions for this Q can be found on my Lynne's Liberated Letters tutorial, which should come out later this week. It's in the final editing stages. It's got so much information in it it needed an INDEX!!!

This is where I am. I can't go much farther until my background fabric arrives. When I tell you that you'll need at least three times as much background fabric as you think you will, I am not joking.

Anyway, this is where I am and I have some reservations. I am not worried (of course) because I know I can solve this problem.


Becky said...

Love the Q, and of course the black butterfly you made while I watched. Thanks for a great day.

Alison said...

I got a chuckle from thinking about this variation on your theme: No paper was harmed in making this quilt! Hope you do too.

Mona Kelley said...

What is that lovely background fabric? Can I buy some?