Thursday, January 10, 2019


If you live where it doesn't snow, you think snow is just snow. But it isn't. There are many different kinds of snow.

This is wet snow, that clings. We didn't have much of it, and even though the temperature was just above freezing when I took these pictures, the sun wasn't out, so the snow clinging to the branches on the trees hadn't melted yet.

I always tell you to look around for inspiration, because it is everywhere, and I took these pictures so I could remember the patterns of the snow covered branches, but somehow I knew there was inspiration here too.

I don't know what I will do yet, but an idea is forming...


Poppy Q said...

The photos are lovely and we can't wait to see what it inspires you to create Lynne. We don't have that where we live so it looks all exotic and fun to us - but cold.

Shelina (formerly known as Shasta) said...

We had snow today too and it is still snowing. It's pretty but hopefully it will stop soon.

Megan said...

If you live where bushfires aren't a regular phenomenon, you probably think fire is just fire!

Honestly, I'd prefer the snow! LOL

Sydney, Australia
(who lives in a very high risk bushfire area adjacent to a national park)

Sharon said...

It rarely snows here, but I grew up in Michigan, which had lots of snow. I love snow when I can stay home inside and just admire it. But I had my fill of shoveling, driving in the stuff, the cold, blizzards etc when I lived with snow. But it's still better than 110 degree days!