Ten years ago I made my first signature panel for a quilt. This was the year. I really liked the number 8.
NIne years ago I made a sampler quilt and included numbers. Nobody had made numbers before and I had to figure them out for myself. I made the 8 by starting with an X. I wasn't sold on it then, and decided that if I ever had to make another 8 I'd make it the way I did the first time. (see top photo.)
Well, it took me a couple of tries, and I think this one is "serviceable."
So anyway. I know you all like this little red tree...
but no matter where I put him he sticks out like a sore thumb. (Because, hell-o-oh, CONTRAST!)
No matter how cute the little guy is, I am the architect of what I want you to see and I do NOT want the little tree to be a point of interest in the back of the quilt. So here is a version without any trees.
Of course, it needs something.
I will need a transition between the signature panel and the rest of the backing fabric, and this red looks good.
Here is the backing fabric next to this, and yes, I like it. But yeah, I can see that big empty space and I can hear you all already... "Hey Lynne, why don't you put one of your BIRDS there."
... Because it's time for bed, that's why!
oh yes.... some of you have questions.
1. the new refrigerator is 20 cubic feet.
2. a letters tutorial (or several) is in my future... If something as simple as binding takes 60 pages, the letters will take lots and lots more than that.
3. why don't I like binding clips.. because you can't sew over them with a sewing machine, and they get in the way when I'm trying to hand sew.
4. Baklava... yes Suzanne I had also read that the baklava had to be HOT and the syrup had to be COLD when your poured it on, or the other way around. My recipe had me make the syrup the very first thing, and told me to get it COLD... so when it had cooled to lukewarm I put it on the front porch (where it was 11F). I had also read the other way around would work. I was rather wary when I took my hot baklava out of the oven and started to pour very cold syrup into the pan (it was a glass pan) but I knew it was Pyrex and could take it. Otherwise it would have made a hell of a mess.
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To me, the little red tree looks kind of elfin, or gnomish. So maybe it will find a home in a Christmas quilt someday.
Like that 8 a lot!
Haha! The pyrex my husband used couldn't take cooking fish. What an explosion of blue glass in a million pieces. Then a few weeks later he did it again with one of my stone ware pieces. I found him a small metal roaster pan. That one is holding up.
Yes, I love that little red tree and the way you made the 8 this time. You're having such fun. Thanks for sharing the excitement.
Poor little red tree :(. Sort of reminds me of the Island of Misfit Toys-haha. Can you tell I just finished watching Rudolph. The quilt label looks great Lynne.
That's interesting about the recipe...however, last week I had a pyrex casserole dish explode all over my kitchen. I'm still finding pieces in my living room rug! Please use another pan the next time. If I'd been in the kitchen when it exploded, I'm sure I'd have fragments embedded in me!
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