Thursday, August 30, 2018

Orange Day

A trip to the hardware store is on my itinerary this morning. I have to paint my oil tank. It's at the back of my house and only one neighbor can see it. My dad suggested I paint it pink like my doors. He was grinning when he said it. I'm half tempted. My house is tan with dark brown trim, so dark brown was my original idea. However my Dad's got me thinking... If I can paint it any color, how about light green? Or maybe I should make it striped... Now there's a thought!

At any rate, I worked on orange scraps yesterday.

I am liking this way of "cleaning up."


Nancy J said...

There's a thought, paint it multi colour, in a triangle pattern? Or paint a cat on it? That will tickle anyone's fancy as they pass by.

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Lots of mural paintings going on around our time, but that takes time and skill with a brush. Pain it bright and pretty, or drab and receding..oh the dilemma.
xx, Carol

Quiltdivajulie said...

Go bold! Think how that will make you smile every time you see it PLUS you get to tell the story each time it gets filled or noticed by someone. Black and white could be utterly cool, too.

Quiltdivajulie said...

P.s. If you go with multi colors -- the premium blue tape gives cleaner edges than the regular kind and it tears off cleanly with straight ends (no ragged angles). HAVE FUN!!! And please share photos before and after.

Just Ducky said...

You have heard of barn quilts, why not do a geometric quilt pattern on the tank?

Millie said...

I’d love to make it fun but it’s a metal tank and my color choices are limited. I picked brown. But I can probably put a nice pink graphic quilt design in the front easily enough! We’ll see how it goes.