Tuesday, May 10, 2016

More Bird Samples

I have to make six more birds so each student will have a sample bird at their station while they work. Here are the first three of six. DAMN I love making these birds!!

I originally made this bird for the back of my nephew's quilt, Lightning in the Night Sky, prompting my pal the Selvage Fairy to ask if this was as "Thunder Bird." Damn straight!  Anyway, something happened and I didn't get the bird sewn to the backing. My Mom came over one day, and claimed it. She had it framed, and now it hangs in her dining room.

By the way, this bird's beak is bright green. Is there any green in the bird? No!

Any blue (complement of green)? No.

HOWEVER... think about this for a minute. The three Primary colors are Red, Yellow and Blue. They look great together.

The three Secondary colors are... (wait for it...) Orange, Purple and Green.


Valomea said...

Your birds are so beautiful!

Quiltdivajulie said...

Really like the idea of framing a single bird!

Liz said...

I am soooooooo excite to come take this class on Saturday !!!! Your birds are inspiring !!