Sunday, February 28, 2016

Big Black & White Blocks

I'm back from a terrific trip to California. It couldn't have been better. I've got a zillion ideas zooming around my head about baby quilts I want to make for my first grandbaby, due in August.

Yes, you heard that right, quilts plural! I can't think of just one so I'll probably make a few.  LOL!

On my sewing table are all the pieces I cut out for the Black & White Slashed Squares quilt, and since I can't work on more than one quilt at a time I'm starting to sew the big square-in-square BW blocks together.

As usual, I put pairs together based on contrast of shape and pattern.



Quiltdivajulie said...

Love your pairings.

Karen said...

What size is the block?

Sylvia Anderson said...

Congratulations Lynne on the upcoming arrival of your 1st. grandchild. You will be beside yourself with happiness and joy, simply because there is nothing like being a gramma. You can enjoy the heck out of them, spoil them rotten, and then pack them up and send them home. I can still remember how over the moon I was, and that was 37 years ago. I didn't quilt at that time, but my crocheting went everywhere with me and almost had to have the hook surgically removed from my hand. We are also expecting a baby in August, our 9th. great grandchild, which we will learn the sex of on Tuesday. Can't wait to see the B&W quilt finished.

Shelina said...

Congratulations on your first grandchild. I can understand the excitement and wanting to make a lot of quilts. Why make a decision and pick just one if you don't have to? Love your fabric combinations. You have some fun fabrics there!

Susan Torrens said...

Our first grandson celebrated his first birthday in January, and he had lots of quilts already, and will probably get lots more over the next few years!

Can't wait to see what you decide to make....