Saturday, February 18, 2012

Box Work

I'm back at the box.  I wanted the words "out of the box" to flow like a circle around the black box, so I got out my beam compass and drew out a large circle. The I cut it out of paper and put on on my design wall (ergo the blue tape).  I was then able to position my letters, and trim them down to just about the way I want them to look. 

Obviously sewing them together is going to be a challenge.  That won't happen quite yet. I want some sprinkles of pure white "confetti" coming out of the box and floating around the background.  I've done a little testing, and a white square 3/4" is too small to be clearly visible, so I have to continue to work on that idea. In the meantime I made a pure white butterfly (with a slightly blue-gray body) and a white flower with a pinkish center. Those two elements show up nicely against the creamy eggshell background. 

Those of you with eagle eyes may notice I have redone all the letters with "fallouts" (o, e, b) and replaced those center pieces with pure white (instead of the eggshell cream).  The point is to make your eye connect the white of the opening in the box with the other white objects in the quilt.


Judy in Michigan said...

I keep learning from your posts - fallouts the pure white of the box interior!! Thanks. The quilt is looking more spectacular each day!

Quiltdivajulie said...

Great process post - so much for the rest of us to take in and appreciate!

This one is going to be SUPER fabulous!

Tonya Ricucci said...

really fun!