As part of Phase Four, the books that were on the shelves in
this picture yesterday are now stacked in various other rooms. The shelves are going....


They will be moved to this wall later..

which used to be this wall:

(and yes, this new wall is about 48"(121 cm) shorter than the other wall, so the shelve have to be cut and I have a lot of rearranging to do.)
As for the solid core wooden door that makes up the computer table and the two file cabinets that hold it up, and the two maple bureaus that have to swap places? Well, those will move when there are five Ninjas here on Saturday.
Wow! Continued good luck with your re-do. How nice to have ninjas around to help...send them my way when you are finished!
I'm glad you are getting help with the heavy/bulky things. You want your body to survive the more too!
Wow! You are really going to town on your re-do. I need to post the pictures for Phase Two of mine; and when I'm back home, get Phase Three done -- a new design wall! Cant' wait to see your big reveal.
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