Thursday, April 29, 2010

Is It Soup Yet?

I moved the books to the bookshelf in the other room.I cleaned out the items in the file cabinets, cleaned off the top of the desk and cleared out the items in the corner.I can't move much else without help. Everything else is big, bulky and heavy. It's not going anywhere until Saturday. I will work a 12 hour day on Friday, so the last cleaning out session will have to be later Thursday evening. Hopefully the Ninja Brigade on Saturday will get the big items in place so I can settle in on Sunday. Keep your fingers crossed.

Helen's quilt is due to arrive at her house any day now. She promised to notify me "the nanosecond it arrives." I have a series of blog posts ready to go as soon as it does.


Tangos Treasures said...

yippiee it's looking great!!

Quilts and Cats said...

Love your blog and will be following your progress. Re-arranging a sewing room is fun but alot of work. Lynne

Mary said...

This is so nice - a big project to be sure, but so worth it to have more room for creating fabulous quilting projects :)