Since I made so many Bento Box blocks, the instructions are engraved in my brain, and I certainly don't need the pattern any more. So I thought I would give it away. You leave a comment, and I will put all names together and pick a winner. But there are a couple of rules.
1. You must have a quilting, sewing or crafting blog. I have to be able to find it when I click on your name and look at your profile. Cat bloggers are welcome too.
2. You can only leave one comment. No ballot box stuffing.
3. You must leave a comment on THIS POST. No exceptions.
4. The deadline is Friday December 12. When it isn't Friday anywhere in the world, the drawing will be over.
5. I will pick a winner on Saturday December 13. I will try to contact you by email the same day. If you don't have an email address in your profile or on your blog, (and I understand perfectly if you don't), then I will leave a comment on your most recent post.
6. I will post the winner on Sunday December 14, once I have contacted the winner. If I don't hear from the winner by the end of the day on Monday, I'll pick another name.
7. I will pay postage to anywhere in the world.
8. This is an authentic Bento Box pattern in pristine condition.
9. There is only ONE.
10. It's my party and I'll cry if I want to. That means I can change the rules.
Good luck!
I think I need this pattern. I have so many scraps to use up it's not funny. Thanks for the chance to win it!!
Hi Millie, I just discovered your blog today and wow, a giveaway already! I love your huge Bento quilt. I have never tried something this big before. I make a ton of charity quilts, but they are for kids so they are little. I love your kitten quilts. I have been making kitten quilts to send to my daughter in college. She takes them to a shelter when she goes to play with the kittens.
I've been watching your bento quilt grow and grow. I've been loving the bento block.
I'd love the pattern, but have no blog. I have enough to do with my 5 adopted kids and quilting to write about it!
Guess I'll have to keep looking at the picture and try and write my own pattern.
I would love to win the pattern as I've so enjoyed watching your bento quilt grow. :)
your giganto bento looks great! i've wanted to get this pattern, but couldn't justify buying it. i would love to win it!
Please count me in. If I don't win it I think I'll have to buy one. I just love how yours has turned out.
I would love this pattern. Please count me in on this drawing!! I thought your quilt turned out so nicely. I have tons of scrap to use up and this would be the perfect pattern.
I want Bento... Can't wait to see what the finished quilt looks like!
Are you kidding? Offering a way to avoid re-inventing the wheel? You've provided so much inspiration on your Bento Box journey. You've shared so many yummy-looking Bento blocks on this (almost) 4-month odyssey and we've seen it culminate in the ultimate Bed Tarp.
Oh, yes, please, I'd love the pattern (do I get extra points for kissing up?) - !
Add my name to the hat - please!
I'd be extremely thrilled to get your Bento pattern. I've got *lots* of strips that I can use for mine. :)
Oh, I love giveaways! Pick me, pick me, pick me (Says the dorky girl in the back!)
The Bento quilt looks lovely, and I especially like the block done in blues. I'm wondering what an entire quilt in blues would look like...
I want it, I want it. It just looks like a great pattern for a children's charity quilt.
I've been wanting to make one of these for ages and ages. Thanks, please throw me into the drawing pot.
I would love the pattern! I have been wanting to make one but haven't gotten around to it. And your huge bento box quilt is so inspiring!!
I'd love this - and I even have 5 real bento boxes that I take my lunch in! Love your blog!
Would you please enter me into your drawing. I have loved watching your quilts grow, both here and at Millie's blog. My cats love their Gizzies.
Thanks so much,
Tara (not the cat) ~ mom to Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
I've been searching for this pattern for ages and have only recently discovered that it isn't free! Grrrrrrr! I'd really love to own it as I've got a whole stash of fabric that is calling out for this pattern.
Soooo please add my name to the list too.
I would love to win the pattern for bento box. I've always wanted to make one. I don't have a blog but you can reach me at in case I'm lucky enough to win.
Your quilt is so lovely and cheerfull (and HUGE!) that I want to try this pattern too. Count me in!
Hi Lynne.
Did you received my email?
NOOOOOOO!!! Am I too late?! I have no idea if it is still friday somewhere in the world, but I am keeping my fingers crossed, because I soooooo want this pattern!!
How exciting! I am so thrilled to be entering this contest. I am a beginner quilter. I do knit and crochet. I can be found at
Thanks so much!
Merry Christmas
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