Monday, March 3, 2025

Wonky Orange Hourglass Blocks

I'm making slightly wonky hourglass blocks the way Sujata Shah makes them with gentle curves as seen in her book Cultural Fusion Quilts.

Because they use curves, the original blocks look very much like potato chips, which is to say, warped.

Trimmed, they are better, although this particular block has to go. That big teardrop shape on the left tends to blend into the adjacent block, and we can't have that.

This is about half the blocks I need, and the blocks are not arranged in any particular way.

NOW LOOK, I know this is not everybody's cup of tea. Orange is generally the least favorite color, and these blocks have a very narrow range of intensity (Brightness. Not Value.)  This is actually by design. I wanted something like a Turkish carpet or a mosaic. 

This is also a result of the color choice. Orange is a fairly middle value color, and when you make it ligher it gets washed out. You can make it yellower and again it's not particularly intense. If you make it darker, you get brown. That makes for a narrow range, and because this is an ORANGE quilt, and not ORANGE AND something else, the quilt has a compressed range of tones.

Remember, this is by choice. You are entitled to your opinion, which is, of course, subjective.

This is different from anything I have ever done, but to me it has a kind of appeal. and I really like it.

This is most of the blocks I need. Notice the large rectangular blocks at the upper left and right corners. I like those, and the top and bottom row of this quilt will be rectangular blocks instead of square ones.

There are some fabrics that I don't like, and I will have to remake some blocks. That will take time. The blocks aren't difficult to make, but the way they are sewn together makes me hunch over the sewing machine intensely, and that just makes me sore, so they are taking a bit longer than usual.



Mary Ellen said...

I like orange and use it whenever I can. I don't wear it because with my Italian heritage my skin tone is more golden than pink. Orange does nothing for me but I love to use it in my quilts when possible.

Carol said...

I love love where you're going with the oranges! I've never met a wonky block that I didn't like, especially if it was orange!

Kathy said...

Can't understand why anyone would dislike orange! This is a beautiful quilt and using Sujata's curvy hourglass style really gives it depth and movement. Love it!!!

Judy Cloe said...

I absolutely love this! It reminds me of many of the mosaics I have seen in Italy. Glad you mentioned that. Can't wait to see your finished work of art.

Cherie Moore said...

I absolutely love your orange blocks… them! The teardrop jumps right out….yep, I agree you can’t have that ;-)

helenreimers said...

Love this. Orange is my new favorite color. This wonky is perfect for orange