Saturday, March 15, 2025

National Quilting Day


It's kind of annoying when that AWFUL TASK you were putting off for so long turns out to be easier than you thought, and took much less time than you expected.

Such it was with my taxes. Instead of the ordeal I expected, it only took an hour and was relatively painless. I had, however, made sure to have all the documents and information I needed nearby.

Oh well.

That meant I could go into the studio and play with purple. My finished HST's will be 3" so I knew I needed 480 of them. Since I could get 8 HST's out of one square of fabric (above) I calculated I'd need 60 squares. I had 20 dark purples, so that part was easy. (3 of each). I didn't have so much light purplish fabrics, so I scoured my stash and did what I could to get the right number of light squares. I got them all cut out pretty easily. 

Then I paired them up, which you can see in the photo above. I didn't want any group of 8 HST's to be duplicated. No problem there.

Then I mated them and drew the cutting lines on them and clipped them together. I grabbed a random stack and sewed and cut triangles.

This is a sampling. I got them all pressed, but only trimmed one of each,

because I was eager to see them on the design wall. 

Oh yeah, I think this is gonna be good.

I have work to do before I can design the quilt in earnest, but that's OK. I can trim these blocks while I "watch" television.

I won't be doing much of that today, though. I'll be celebrating National Quilting Day at my LQS, the Night Owl Quilting Studio. They have a whole slate of events planned so I will be there having some fun.


Cherie Moore said...

Oh, celebrating the day at a quilt store with other quilters, fabulous!!!

Nancy Near Philadelphia said...

Oh, this is going to be glorious! I love purple. Also violet, lavender, plum, orchid, periwinkle, grape . . . .