Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Backing for the Carnelian Quilt

It turns out I had a great piece of orangy-ish backing in my stash. I don't know when I got it, or what I got it for. Problem is, it isn't big enough for the backing, because I need six extra inches on all four sides.

I sewed a long strips of leftover blocks together. I would use that to make the backing wider, but that wouldn't be enough. I decided to cut 12" across the backing strip along the bottom, add some extra orange fabric to it, and sew it to one side of the backing, then I'd insert the strip of blocks into the backing.

I often forget to use my great big dining room table as a work surface, but I put it to good use trimming the backing fabric. Before I could sew something to the side, I had to trim it straight. A great big long table is really useful here.

Then I sewed my extra strips to a big chunk of the backing.

Here's what that looked like. Lastly, I sewed the other piece of backing to the other side of the pieced blocks.

Before I bring any quilt to the long-arm quilter, I always lay the quilt on top of the backing so I can make sure the backing is big enough. 

It's big enough, and I think this is going to be terrific!

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