Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Monochromatic <> Boring


Just because something is monochromatic (one color), it does not have to mean monotonous, or boring.

This quilt is shaping up to be just what I had envisioned. It just took me 126 blocks on the design wall to know for sure.

Yesterday I still needed to make about 45 blocks, and for that I had to cut more fabric, so that is what I did. I cut the blocks and sewed them into pairs and put them up on the design wall. These are arranged willy-nilly, with no editing whatsoever. That will change later today when I get to designing in earnest.


Anorina @SameliasMum said...

Your monochromatic quilt is definitely not boring.

Poppy Q said...

I love the blues Lynne.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Keep going - this is going to be wonderful!

helenreimers said...

I like it too. Totally not boring

Nann said...

There's so much variety in the prints that it's interesting, not boring!