Thursday, February 6, 2025

Kill Your Darlings...


Sometimes no matter how much you like something, you have to recognize that it doesn't work and you have to get rid of it. In the block above, the color of the flowers in the blue triangle on the right match (and thus blend) perfectly with the blue in the fabric on the left.

This kinda breaks my heart as this fabric is the inspiration for the entire blue quilt. 

You can see that blue flowered triangles in the layout above. You can see that they attract the eye right away, and they also do not "read" as blue. There's a white flower up there, that is surrounded by blue and it reads as a "hole." That's a no-no.

Here I have covered up those flowered fabrics and the design really shines. What I want in this quilt is to emphasize the sharp blue triangles. Without those flowers, what you see is TRIANGLES. Which is what I want.

I also removed the light blues in the above blocks. These light blues "read" as too dark and were too close in value to some of the other blues that were used as "darks."

I ended up discarding 20 blocks, which is 12% of the total blocks on the design wall, so I had to make more blocks before I started to design the quilt for real.

And one more thing:
Am I the only quilter who has ever done this?

And I did it TWICE!


Cherie Moore said...

LOL, why I never, well hardly ever, okay sometimes have had that happen to me ;-). The rejected inspiration fabric would be fabulous on the back……..maybe with a pieced panel that says “I’m the inspiration for this quilt and now I’m relegated to the back!”

Colby said...

Good eye noticing that fabric, it looks so much better removing it. Hopefully you can use those in the back, that floral would make a beautiful backing or border!

kearnsquilter said...

No, you are not the only one. :)

kearnsquilter said...

No, you are not the only one. LOL