Thursday, January 2, 2025

Christmas Decorations Down & Done

 On New Year's Eve I started to take down the Christmas decorations and put them away. I put the holiday quilts away. Then I packed up all the decorations and ornaments and put them away.

I don't have much storage space, and I hate to put this out in the shed, so I put it in the (tiny) stand alone shower** in my main bathroom. (You think I'm joking? I covered the inside of the glass shower door with some nifty wrapping paper.)

Here it is! the decorations, the wreath, the ornaments, all hiding away. (The quilts go elsewhere - into the Quilt Closet)

So this is what it looks like year round.

I love a great disguise.

**the shower is so tiny that even I (less than five feet tall), feel claustrophobic in it, so I don't use it.


Quiltdivajulie said...

You showed me this shower when I visited - I wouldn't use it either! Great way to re-purpose what would have been wasted space.

The Selvage Fairy said...

I think it's hilarious that your main bathroom has the world's biggest tub and the world's tiniest shower.

Nancy J said...

Great way to use the shower, and from the outside looks like it isn't a shower at all.

Mystic Quilter said...

Inspired idea!!!

Poppy Q said...

Happy New Years. What a great storage idea.