Monday, January 27, 2025

Backing for Kangamangus

Here is the backing fabric for the Heartbeat Kangamangus Quilt.

I always, always, lie the quilt on top of the backing I have prepared for it to make 100% sure it is big enough before I bring it to the long-arm quilter. This tells me it really is big enough. 

This also shows me that this backing is perfect for this quilt. I intend to keep it for myself.

And I have renamed it. In the White Mountains of NH we have a scenic highway that weaves through the mountains and has spectacular views. It is the Kancamagus Highway I renamed the quilt the way I heard it mispronounced as a child, "Kangamangus." For me, this quilt will be "Kangamangus."


Linda Swanekamp said...

I remember that lovely highway from when I was a kid and we went to a campground near Mt. Washington. I had climbed Mt. Washington a number of times as a teen and always looked forward to the scenery along that highway.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Cool new name for your quilt -- I like it!

Nann said...

It's a beautiful quilt. We've driven the Kankamagus Highway. (Are you going to spell it with the second (pronounced) N or without?)

Hudson Quebec said...

Fond memories of the Highway - and not telling European visitors that bears had been sighted in the campground!
Absolutely love the backing fabric - can you share what it is? - planning an autumn quilt.

helenreimers said...

The backing is perfect for that quilt