Thursday, September 19, 2024

The Little Blocks Get Sewn


I started sewing the little blocks together. I decided to start where I could reach.

Since there are five double sized blocks in the quilt, I couldn't sew them in rows. Oh gee darn.

While it looks like the big middle section of the quilt is all sewn together, it really isn't. There are groups of 2 and 3 rows sewn together.

Also, in all previous photographs, there are 13 blocks in one horizontal row. It wasn't quite as wide as I wanted, so I added a block to the left-most end of each row. The final quilt will be 14 x 16 blocks.

Here I have moved the bottom third of the quilt aside and lowered the middle third so I could move the top three rows of the quilt lower on the design wall, making them easier for me to reach to sew together. It's going pretty quick, and I'm having fun, "watching" tv while I sew. 

It is lovely weather, so I've got the windows open for the great breeze and the sound of the birds singing. I think the thing I enjoy most about being retired so far is simply enjoying the daylight.


Hubblebird said...

This reminds me of Teri Rowland’s colour wash quilt. I started mine last year and have about 50 blocks left to make once I get all my sewing tools back from WA. I never wanted mine to be colour wash, so your tutorial about value is very useful. Thank you.

Raewyn said...

It's looking great!