Thursday, May 16, 2024

Quilt in the Wild


It was unseasonably warm Tuesday afternoon, and it was gloriously sunny. I brought the "Awash in a Sea of Blue" quilt outside for beauty shots.

I think it's important to back up a bit when taking pictures of a quilt outside, so you can really get a sense of the scale of the quilt. This quilt is so graphic, it can really stand up to being seen from a distance.

I really like the way the sun highlights the quilting.

I wrote the quilt's story as I was making the quilt, so I was able to complete it after I took the beauty shots, while the quilt was in the washing machine. I had it printed and picked it up Wednesday at lunch, which was a good thing because I will be gifting the quilt soon.

I don't remember if I wrote about it, but this quilt was made in a specific person in mind. He's a very reserved, quiet guy, who loves baseball, hockey and fishing. He says he loves fishing so much he'd fish in a puddle. That was the impetus to make this quilt - a quilt about water.

This is a scrap slab triangle quilt, and if you want to make one, you can get my tutorial here, at my Etsy shop.


Lizzie said...

Oh my, even more gorgeous in the sunlight. It just glows!
Matt is a lucky guy.

Linda Swanekamp said...

The outdoor photos really showcase the colors and design. Super quilt!

Lizzie said...

It positively GLOWS in the wild outside!