Saturday, January 20, 2024

On Second Thought...

 The world is indeed a funny place.

I thought, Oh, that middle box should be bigger, so I dug through my leftovers and found this one. I thought it was nice, but a little busy. So I figured I'd make another red one.

Easy peasy lemon squeezy. I didn't have any more of the gold fabric I used for the ribbon on the original red box, so I used this one.

Then I put it on the design wall, and OH HELL, it's the same ribbon fabric as the box on the left. CAN'T HAVE THAT....

Ok, that's done!

But you know, I got to looking at pictures and...

I thought, geez, that looks awfully bottom heavy. I had moved the elements up on the design wall so I could reach them easier, and now it had a lot of empty space at the bottom. So I wondered...

I wasn't QUITE sure, but it was late, so I went to bed. The next morning I got up and decided I liked it better.

So now I think I see the end in sight, and I decide this would need a small thin inner border before a wider border of white before you get to the edge of the quilt, because you know it's going to hang on a white wall and I want to distinguish it from the wall... so I cut thin strips of a candy cane fabric and stick it up on the wall. Now this is GOOD because it tells you the shape of the final quilt, but otherwise, YUK!

SO ANYWAY... I sew the row of boxes together, and then I sew the birds together, and I add fabric to the right and left sides, because, you know, I'm in the home stretch.

It's late. I go to bed.

I get up the next morning and go into the studio to look at it and I think...

(You kinda knew something like this was coming, right?)

I decide I like the busier center box better.

Too funny.


Lizzie said...

I only see what doesn't please you when you discuss and make the changes. You have much higher standards of design than I can manage. Quite a fascinating process.

Leslie said...

love thhis layout!

Marianne said...

I love the birds at the bottom! I used your bird pattern to make a baby quilt - alternated the blocks with 16 patches in all colors. It didn't sell, so just recently I gave it to our local Kitty Cat Cafe for their silent auction. It's such a fun quilt that I will most likely make a few more blocks for a future quilt. Thanks!

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I really wondered when you said the middle box was too busy. I liked it better.

Rosie said...

Well, I'm wondering if you need the birds. How do they relate to the rest of the quilt?

Rootie said...

Thanks for showing us your process. It really helps to have a good example!

Love the quilt too.
Ruth B

Ruth said...

OH YESSS!!! I love the birds at the bottom, kind of like we are looking out the window and they are nearest, on the lawn. I love the different colored center box too! Just right! Of course, there might be other changes you think of....