Sunday, January 21, 2024

Oh No Noel!

So this was good, but I felt the NOEL letters were too blocky.

I made some taller, slightly thinner NOEL letters. I wasn't worried about the color, but I was just working on the shape. These did not thrill me.

So I trimmed down the O from the first word, are reworked the E from the first word into a lower case e.
I wasn't real thrilled with this either. Yeah,  I know the word isn't centered, but it still bugged me.

When I get stuck, I set the issue aside and move to something else. In this case, I sewed the trees together,, which meant I had to add fabric to the tops and in some cases, the bottoms of the trees and then I sewed them all together. I also replaced the big box with the bigger, busier box. Then I went to bed.

The next morning I got up made breakfast and then went straight into the studio. I was still in my nightgown and bathrobe.

In the end, I made four Ns. The original one is at the upper left. I knew I wanted the new N to be a bit taller and thinner, so I made the one at the upper right. This was a test, so the fabric didn't bother me. I liked it. The one on the lower left was too fat and the fabric was too busy. The one on the lower right made the cut.

Then I made another O, because I hadn't been in love with the original. The e is the same as the first one, and then I threw up a piece of red fabric for the l. And I made the letter O jump. 

But I didn't like the fabric in the O, so I did another one, and then I made a fancy E. 

My son didn't like the jumping O, and the N was too fat, so I took it apart and made it skinnier. But the L was too dark.

I decided to add the umlaut above the E, and I cut the letter L from one of the legs of the too busy N.

In the middle of all of this, a convo with Julie induced me to widen the design slightly.

My son said, "SEW!"

Rosie, why are the birds in the quilt? Because I like them.


Nancy Near Philadelphia said...

Goldilocks and the Four Ns: "This N is JUST RIGHT!"

Linda Swanekamp said...

Wow, lots of moving and shaking on this piece! Not sure I could have kept going as all that wears one out. I certainly hope this does it for you in this finished composition.

The Selvage Fairy said...

Got anything red with metallic gold for the border?

Gluten Free Quilter said...

Are you going to use all the extra letters in a scrappy quilt later? Your efforts have really paid off. Love the birds, of course!