Monday, January 8, 2024

I'm Ready! Weather Isn't!

I'm ready.

I've written my speech, and I've timed it.

I've labelled and packed my quilts. I've made a list of everything I have to bring.

If everything goes well, I'll be speaking to the Seabreeze Quilt Guild on Tuesday. Let's hope the weather cooperates.

In the meantime my house looks kinda naked.

Update: the Weather did NOT cooperate. We have decided to reschedule to May 14!


Linda Swanekamp said...

We are supposed to get 65 mph winds on Tuesday, hopefully you won't. I am sure everyone will be wowed and inpired with the quilts and presentation.

stitchinpenny said...

I know you miss being surrounded by your creations but you will bring joy to those who get to share your show! You bring a very insightful methodology to people who are trying go learn from your experiences in color and style. I hope they appreciate you.

Linda Swanekamp said...

Wow, you got cancelled already! It is pain to put everything away, but you get to enjoy your work up again.

Chookyblue...... said...

Oh sorry to hear you got postponed but how exciting to be presenting to a group.......all the best........