Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Back to Pink

Now that the Holiday Banner is ready for quilting, I have to figure out what to do next. I have an idea for a scrap slab triangle quilt rolling around in my head, but I also have the second student bird quilt to assemble and a lot of other stuff to sort through.

Back in September when I took the pink zebra quilt apart I sewed together the leftover pieces into a very interesting design. I had a lot of those pieces left, so I decided to add them to the original chunk. You can see the origin of that here. In the photo above, the original piece is on the left and it's folded so you can only see half of it. The pieces I will be sewing together and adding to it are on the right.

That was great, and I had enough extra pieces to make another section, but both of the new ones had very busy fabrics and I didn't want the quilt to be half one thing on one side and half something else on the other, so I decided to sew each new section on either side of the original chunk.

And this is where I get so caught up in working that I do not take pictures.

So this will be what I sew together. The big piece is in the middle and the new pieces are on either side. It isn't all sewn together because there are only so many hours in the day.

Rotating it 90 degrees, here is another view. The thing is six feet square. Not bad for a bunch of duds.

By the way I am 3/4 the way around the binding on the PRIZM quilt. Should have that done soon. I've binge watched Stanley Tucci's show about Italy an In with the Old about renovating old houses, and I've read the first two of the Secret Scone & Book Society mysteries. I think that's the title.



Quiltdivajulie said...

Love the pink! And thanks for the book mention. I read quite a few of that author’s Bibliophile series so I will check out this one as well.

Rootie said...

Ditto quiltdivajulie! Hurrah for pink! I always like to find new authors and have reserved the Secret Scone & Book Society at my library.

Linda Swanekamp said...

I think it came together fabulously. It looks just right.