Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Thirty-Five Years


Yesterday I celebrated 35 years of working for the same company. On each five year anniversary we get a catalog and get to choose a gift. I did not need a watch, a giant wall clock, binoculars, a necklace or camping gear. That pretty much left this 7 piece Cuisinart set of stainless steel pots and pans.

I did not need it, but I figured it would be handy to have.

On impulse, I took a picture and sent it to my son and DIL. "Do you need pots and pans," I texted? "I got this set for free and I really don't need it."

My son's one word reply:


WELL THAT SETTLES THAT! The kids will check them out when they are here next week (SQUEE!) and then I will ship them to the city of Angels as a Christmas present.

I love it when magic happens.


Ruth said...

Don't you feel just like Santa Claus?!?!?! Fulfilling your child's wish before you even hear he needs the gift!!

Poppy Q said...

Perfect. What a nice thing to do. That would never happen here.

Just Ducky said...

Congrats on 35 years of work, that probably means it is close to retirement time.

I agree, that the choices you get in those catalogs are not what people often want, but in your case you chose good and yeah, just gift it to someone who needs it!

Nancy J said...

Excellent idea, I always have a chuckle when I see " & piece" as there are really 4 pieces and 3 lids.Down here our supermarket has had the yearly sticker rewards,one for each $20 you spend, then redeem them for pots with lids, frying pans, wok, or oven dish.So one daughter has benefitted greatly.

Elle said...

It is frustrating isn't it! With my last employer I got a Michael Kors purse and a carry-on size suitcase. Literally the only item of any use to me either of those times!

Yea for the kids :-)

Linda Swanekamp said...

So super that you could pass on your bounty to loved ones! When things line up like that, it makes me giggly.