Saturday, October 28, 2023

Finished Bags


Here are the first batch of lined drawstring bags. The pattern is by Jeni Baker. This is the Artist Bag, and it's the biggest of the ones I made.

This is also an Artist bag. Here I have used sewing fabric and pincushions and rulers together. This one will go back and forth between Julie and I.

This is another Artist bag.

This is the next size down. It's a "Project" bag.

This is the two sides of the next bag. I think this one is my favorite. Can you say "fussy cut?"

These two are much smaller bags. I think these are "snack" bags.

This is the one I planned.

This one was a spur-of-the-moment decision based on another of the "Ghastlies" line.

I'm really happy with these and I can't wait to make more. 


Mystic Quilter said...

It's been good to see your bags, I had bought the pattern online last week, must get on with sewing now after seeing these beauties from you.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Really good photos of your bags! I, too, love the ghastlies and your fussy cutting.

Linda Swanekamp said...

What a fun bunch of bags! A trick or treat one maybe? Kidding. Looks like you had fun.

O'Quilts said...

Great job!! I love them all..