Saturday, October 21, 2023

Cleaning Up

 You all know how it works. When you have guests coming, the first thing you do is clean the house.

So I worked one evening and cleared off the work tables. Looks good, right? Well, hold on...

Yeah, this is WAY too much fabric to fit in any of my little bins. I may have to make slabs (bleh), or just stuff the fabric IN the big bins and say to hell with it.

I shredded a lot of junk mail and cleared the top of my desk. I'll do the filing tomorrow and do some heavy duty dusting and tidying in there. Then I'll pay the bills.

I cleaned the refrigerator and ran the oven self-cleaner overnight. I put away some quilts and generally cleared out some clutter in my bedroom. I cleaned both bathrooms. I also got my Covid booster. I decided not to get my flu shot and the RSV vaccine at the same time. I'll get those next weekend.

After dinner I worked on sewing the binding on the Black Abacus quilt.

And of course I've been the go-to person to communicate the comings and goings of my California family to my local family for the upcoming wedding. Who's coming which day and how, who is staying where, who needs a place to park and a local place to eat breakfast. Who's going to the wedding rehearsal dinner and when is it? Who's going to collect my niece and her boyfriend from the bus station in Londonderry? When is my DIL arriving? Who's driving to the wedding venue with who and in which car? Who has dietary restrictions and what are they. (One is glucose intolerant and the other can't eat dairy). Blah blah blah.

It was one of those days where it doesn't seem like you make headway on anything and then you start listing all the things you accomplished...


Quiltdivajulie said...

You could use some of the excess backing cut offs to make more fabric gift bags (LOL). I remember how much fun I had digging into those bins of fabric . . . As to the logistics of a wedding weekend, the details are never ending! DH and I have had our flu shots (each of us lost a full day of feeling very sluggish) and the COVID/RSV boosters will happen roughly 2 weeks apart. I'm curious if this COVID booster will put me down for 2-3 days like the earlier ones did. Haven't heard much from anyone who has gotten theirs.

Diane Perin said...

This is funn because I have visitors arriving tomorrow and I have been cleaning and tidying and organizing all weeks. I’ve only been in this house for a year so the visit has caused me to hang artwork tat has been just resting on the floor, even. I hope you have fun with your guests and can enjoy our tidy home, too!