Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Kitchen Changes


The old, noisy, greasy range vent was yellow and really really old.

I ordered a replacement, and knew that once it was installed the wallpapering could take place in earnest, but first I had to decide what design of the wallpaper should be the focal point. This one...

Or this one. I decided to stick with the blue flowers, but I would have to set it up as a focal point, because if I lined up the wallpaper based on this, the flower would get cut off. I'd figure out how to get it all to work together. I wasn't worried.

The wallpaper was installed the full length of the wall behind the range, so after the vent hood was installed I figured out how to get it the way I wanted it and then installed it.

Then I filled it in on the sides. Because what was behind the range wasn't visible I didn't get all worked up  about it.

There is a hole that has to be filled on one corner of the vent, so the wallpaper isn't stuck on there, but this gives you an idea of what it will look like. Now I can fill in the wallpaper on that wall and work my way around the kitchen.

Earlier in the day I primed the inside of the hutch. The walls in the hutch will have the light version of the wallpaper, so now all (you know, that pesky "all") I have to paint is the shelves and the doors.

During all of this I realized the electrical cord of the microwave was frayed and held together with tape. Not exactly safe, so I have a new microwave on order. I also have a wall mounted spice rack to hang behind the door in the office to store those excess spices. Now the ones I use once in a while will still be easily accessible. I also have a pot rack and a magnetic knife rack to install.

I am really happy with the changes I have made. The kitchen is easier to use and to work in.


Cat Lover said...

The new range hood looks great! The wallpaper looks wonderful with the stainless steel. Did you have an ordering issues with your new appliances? Here things can take weeks to get.

Linda Swanekamp said...

What a difference the hood makes! And the wallpaper. I have been trying to reimagine my kitchen, but not much success so far.

Quiltdivajulie said...

I am so happy you are updating your kitchen since you LOVE to cook. So fun to watch it happening from afar.

MissPat said...

I'm amazed at all the tasks you manage to accomplish on your own, I haven't even been able to nail new house numbers to the front porch that was just painted (not by me). The kitchen redo is looking marvelous.

Ann said...

Thank you for inviting us into your house to see the updates.
I cleared out and sorted and donated lots of stuff a few years ago. It's so nice to pare things down.