Wednesday, May 6, 2020

May Table

My table is set for May. It is called Easter Basket. If you want to know the story of this quilt you can click this link and read the posts. The idea started in 2015 when I sent Julie a stack of fabrics for her to cut the tumbler shapes. I got them back, played with them, but the idea hit a wall because the colors were so wimpy. I ended up sending a second batch of fabric to Julie later that year but I never got back to the quilt until 2017.


Quiltdivajulie said...

I've just cut 300+ 4" tumblers for a quilt project - totally different palette than yours but one I hope will work out well. (love those salt and pepper grinders - grin - they look so good on your table quilt).

QuiltGranma said...

A few years ago Bonnie Hunter quilt blogger had a suggested challenge... of using Tumbler blocks as leaders and enders. If you have questions about what that is, check out her blog. I cut 3 sizes, using a Dresden Plate Wedge shape ... the top was the large cut from 4 1/2" strips of fabric, the bottom of the wedge was used to cut the 1 1/2" strip (I called those thimbles!), and the 2 1/2" strip. I've made one little quilt from the thimbles and there are more. Much of the large tumblers have been sewn in rows, and the 2 1/2" ones just collected in their container. I used 2 tumblers from each of my 1800's reprints, so they are a good range of colors and styles of prints. I need to get back to working on these!