Friday, March 29, 2019

Alphabet Ascending

My liberated letters tutorial is humming right along. My Beta Posse is doing a great job reading my instructions and telling me where I am lacking. I have finished talking about how to make the upper case letters, and now the lower case letters are on the horizon. I plan to have the tutorial for sale on my Etsy shop by May 4th. It will be a comprehensive tutorial, include all 26 letters of the alphabet in upper case and lower case, numbers as well as how to put them together into words and phrases.

I have also added a Gallery of word quilts made by other quiltmakers, because it's important for students to see there are many different ways of working. I am also including images of letters that get creative, like this A, above.  It's not perfect, but these letters aren't supposed to be.

If you are at all intimidated about making free pieced letters without templates or patterns and NO PAPER PIECING... check this out.

This is my son, and the name panel he made about seven years ago when we were having a discussion about the best way to introduce students to lettermaking.  You can read all about it here, on the blog post I wrote back then, but the long and short of it is, if HE can do it, YOU can too.


Quiltdivajulie said...

Looking forward to the finished tutorial - I just know that it is going to reinvigorate my interest in lettered quilts. (I know how but mine are clunky and unpredictable and often disappointing in their readability). And yes, if Paul can do it, so can others.

Cherie in St Louis said...

LOVE your fancy "A" :) Your tutorials are the best because you make use of a posse. I dislike tutorials that miss steps that are important to someone new to the process....leaves you feeling frustrated. You ROCK!!

Jeff Rutherford said...

I look forward to the release of this tutorial. I'll definitely be purchasing this.

Nancy J said...

Super "A" and as one daughter's name starts with A, my first name does too, I will be a starter for this once it is available.No paper piecing, a huge bonus for me.

Glen QuiltSwissy said...

OMG!!!!! I can see it now.....a letter a day quilt. You know I'd do it, too!

Millie said...

OMG!! I can see it. Except letters can be just as addictive as birds ....��

Patti said...

First thing I thought when I saw it was phooey more paper piecing. THANK GOODNESS that is not the case. I am so looking forward to the pattern.

The Selvage Fairy said...

Since the horizontal bar sticks out past the left side, is there a "Y" seam in there somewhere?

Millie said...

Nope. No Y seams.

Millie said...

Well. Actually I can’t remember how I made it.

Ann said...

This looks very interesting. I made up my own letters last time but didn't save any of them. And I didn't keep them to a uniform size.