I don't think anybody needs to be told what THIS guy's story is...
Merry Christmas everybody!
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Oh, no no no, Lynne. That's exactly what this little chap wants you to think, but he's not the real Santa Claus - he's one of those stand-ins that operates in shopping malls as Santa's helper.
But don't be cross. He knows that he's not the real Santa, and, if we're honest, many of the kids know that he's not the real Santa too. Nevertheless, he spreads good cheer and he looks fabulous in all those holiday photographs that are taken of him with the children each year. And that's why he does it.
You probably know lots of people who don't particularly like having their photograph taken; indeed, you may be one of them yourself. But, Simon Bartholomew actually LIKES being in photographs. He's got this notion that being in photographs somehow preserves a little bit of him for posterity. He's a single chap, and childless, so he's not going to have little Bartholomew birds live on after he's gone. Being in photographs is his way of leaving his mark in the world.
Of course, he could just take a stack of selfies, but who's going to be interested in them in decades to come? He's figured out that if he dons Christmas plumage each December and doesn't fly south for the winter, he can take on the role of Santa Claus at his local shopping mall for a few weeks, and be in literally hundreds of holiday photographs every year - and these are photographs that are going to be preserved in families and passed down through the generations.
But be clear - he's not especially egocentric and he's not a narcissist. He just wants to leave a record that he was here, that he existed, that he made a positive contribution to his tiny corner of the world. It's not a lot to ask.
When he's not standing in for Santa Claus, he works as a shelf packer at Dierbergs grocery store in Warson Woods, Missouri. It's not a particularly satisfying job, but he's never been especially ambitious, and the hours suit him. Indeed, the whole Warson Woods community rather suits him - it's one of the only places he knows that voted to become a 4th class city. He doesn't think he'd feel terribly comfortable in a heaving metropolis, striving to retain a status of '1st class city'; or in a smaller city, yearning to move from 2nd class city to the Big League. No - being a citizen of a 4th class city is where he fits in. He's also pleased that Warson Woods is a Proud Tree City, mentioned in the honor roll by the National Arbor Day Foundation - when you're a bird, trees really matter!
It's a small life, an unexciting life. But come December, remind yourself that Simon is content, decked out in his seasonal colours, smiling happily for the cameras.
Sydney, Australia
I'm loving your birds, have a merry Christmas!
Simon Bartholomew probably strikes some chords in many of us -- so here's to brightening the corners of our world, wherever we are all year long. Holiday hugs to all!
Lynn, Merry Christmas to you and Millie. Your Christmas bird is special but I love all of the birds; thanks for sharing them on your posts.
I just love your birds and their stories! What imagination you and Megan have!
Thanks for the smiles!!!!
I love this one. It does make me wonder if there is a New Years bird. You know, a little tipsy?
The only thing better than your Christmas bird would be a flock of New Year birds that your wonderful Christmas bird could join. As one of the characters on the TV series Portlandia says " Everything looks better with a bird on it". They sure ;ppl great as part of your quilts.
We hope you & Millie had a wonderful Chrstmas & that the New Year is kind to you And yours.
...always late to the party....
Merry Christmas!
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