I have a walking foot to use for quilting. It's ok, but I can't really turn tight corners. It's all herky-jerky and not smooth. (What was I thinking, trying to quilt feathers in the first place?)
I think it looks like it was quilted by a (blindfolded) drunken sailor. It's probably not quite THAT BAD, but in the interests of full disclosure and part of the "I took the process pledge", I show it to you here. I'm good at a lot of things, machine quilting with a walking foot just isn't one of them.
Then I read Carol's description of how she quilted this (it's in the comments). Oh! Now I understand!
Of course, now I feel completely deflated. There is No Way I'm ripping it out though. I'm about at the end of my tether with this one, and given the week I've had, I need to get it finished and move on.
Now I thought they looked like liberated feathers, which goes right along with your mod birds.
Lynne, it looks perfectly right to me. I love it!!
love the birds, drunken quilting and all(LOL) LOVE the yellow quilt/sign about obeying the rules to my right!!! hahahahaha, another crafter after my own heart. cyndi
I really like that quilt...
Hey Lynn, it doesn't look that bad! I think your feathers just look liberated and wonky. But if it bothers you, why don't you add some more quilting inside/around the feathers? You know, like the "100 reds instead of 10" theory. Just a thought. . .
Just so you don't feel alone, I too never knew about the free motion foot and I used to try to do loops with my regular foot, what a mess!! Can't wait to see your next project with a free motion foot!! :)
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