My Mother told me the other day she wants a quilt. I said, "Ma, you already have like five or six!"
"When people come in my house, the first thing they see is the quilt you made when you first started quilting," she said.
This is the quilt my Mom is referring to. It's an original design, machine pieced and hand quilted by me 28 years ago, blogged about here.
My mother continued, "Everybody loves it, but it's not you anymore. The stuff you do now is amazing. I want the new you."
My Mom wants a word quilt. (Oh gee, there's a big surprise.)
"Well, Ma, what words?" I asked.
"I love that quote about creativity by Pearl Buck."
"MA! That has WAY TOO MANY LETTERS. You can't have that many. That would make a quilt the size of a house! Think of a quote you like, but it has to be short. The Quick Brown fox has 35 letters. You can have... 50. You can have 50 letters."
"That's not a lot."
"The quilt won't fit on the wall if it has too many."
"I don't need a quote, but I want words. I'll think about it."
My grandmother used to say "If wishes were horses, beggars would ride."
I'm pretty sure that won't be what my mother chooses.
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Love it! Can't wait to see what she comes up with. I like the 28 yr old quilt too. That is an amazing design, especially for a beginner.
My mother used to say "if wishes were fishes we'd have some fried".
That might be a good one with fish swimming around the edge.
Vicky F
I see what you mean!
I like Vicky's quote.
Um, listen, if your mom is all done with the pinwheel, you know a mathematician who would give it a good home.....
Dear SF, Do you mean Mr Karate?
I can see why you are not using the Pearl Buck quote!
Too many words or not, I got a lump in my throat as I read this ... I would love to be able to share some of my current quilts with my mother (her Alzheimer's was pretty far along when I got started so she never really knew that I was quilting like her mom and grandma).
No matter what words she chooses, enjoy being able to make them for her!!!
so sweet your mom appreciates your work and wants something so very you!
What a funny story! On this end, my kids are the ones after me for new quilts because my skills have improved. It is the ultimate compliment for others to want something uniquely created by you. It will be interesting to see what quote your mother comes up with.
I love your work! Here are two quotes from my 'rents: Mom, "Make do or do without" and Dad, "If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, what a wonderful world it would be." Sounds like I had a deprived childhood. I like what your Grandmother said. I also like the Pearl S Buck quote so much that I posted the link on my Facebook page. Are you sure you can't use part of it? Karmen
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