I bought the walking foot for my sewing machine to help me do machine quilting, but it's useful for other things too.

Like sewing bulky things together, or over zippers...

And boxing corners of bags.

Like this little cutie. It's about 5 inches long, by 3" wide by 2" high. This is my first attempt at this little style boxed bag. I found the tutorial here, at
Indie House.
You all know I'm a closet Bag Lady, right?
Oh, that is so cute!
You're a bag lady with talent! It's adorable.
Very cute!!!
What an adorable little bag! Isn't the walking foot great!
Darling bag! I use my walking foot a lot, too. It really helps.
so sweet! I have never had much luck using my walking foot....I must be doing something wrong - I wish I knew what!
so sweet! I have never had much luck using my walking foot....I must be doing something wrong - I wish I knew what!
I'm an out-of-the-closet bag lady. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one! I have made myself three bags (different kinds-one an overnight bag, one a bag for my daughter's American Girl doll and one for magazines/travel) but would like to make more (and I have collected WAY too many other kinds, including my 3 favorites from the Laurel Burch collections.
Love that little bag!
And I love my walking foot. I use it a lot too. I always use it to put on bindings. Which it looks like you'll be doing very soon!
oh my! that little bag is sooooooo cute! And you did a great job!
Thanks for the linky!
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