Saturday, August 23, 2008

Bento Box Quilt

As you can imagine, I haven't been very motivated lately. But a trip to a new quilt shop perked up my spirits a bit and I bought a pattern for a Bento Box Quilt.Since I cut my fabrics into 2-1/2" and 4-1/2" strips, I worked up the pattern using the 2-1/2" strips, which will give me a 12" finished block instead of a 15" one. Doesn't bother me. I sewed up four blocks, and liked them, so I went through my stash and started pairing up strips.So I am excited again about getting back into the sewing room and making quilts.


Fiber Babble said...

I sure like that pattern - and it's good to see that you're getting back to sewing. Sewing is an active meditation; I do hope that it will help you in your grief.

Welcome back.

(Now I'm off to continue cutting those 1,188 2.5" squares... )

Magpie Sue said...

Violette's memorial quilt turned out lovely. So glad you're finding your way back from grief.

Linda said...

Beautiful choice of fabrics!! Wanna come to VT and match up some for me?? LOL Can't wait to see the finished results!

Mama Spark said...

This is a neat pattern. I've seen it before and like what you are doing. I am glad to see you are beginning the healing process. HUGS

punkinpants said...

I am using this pattern for a quilt I am making for my boyfriend. I like the colors you are using, they look great!